Like so many aspects of life, you probably don’t think about your garbage disposal very often, even when you’re using it. This handy appliance makes cleanup easier, but without proper garbage disposal maintenance, this useful tool can quickly become a source of frustration, causing clogs, jams, or even total breakdowns. That’s why the team at Blue Mills Plumbing put together a few garbage disposal maintenance tips to help keep your disposal operating for years to come. Let’s dive into some essential garbage disposal care strategies to help you avoid costly repairs and ensure smooth operation.
We will cover:
First, understand the garbage disposal use guidelines from the manufacturer. If you have had a new garbage disposal installed, it is a good idea to read through the manual. Proper garbage disposal usage includes how you use it and regular maintenance, which may not be covered in the manual. These garbage disposal tips will help you extend the life of your garbage disposal and keep it running efficiently.
Regular and proper garbage disposal usage is one of the most important garbage disposal tips that you can do. It’s key to keeping your garbage disposal from rusting or buildup of debris, which can cause funky odors, blockages, and attract pests.
Garbage disposal care also includes knowing the limits of your garbage disposal so you don’t accidentally cause damage. Here are a few key items to banish to the regular trash or compost bin to keep your garbage disposal operating well.
One of the most helpful tips for garbage disposal usage and care is to break larger, bulky, fibrous, or stringy items down into smaller portions. While your garbage disposal is meant to handle food waste, you want to be cautious not to overload it,
which can lead to clogs and damage. This is an often overlooked piece of garbage disposal care, but it not only prevents clogs, it also reduces strain on the disposal motor. We recommend nothing larger than the size of a handful.
When using your garbage disposal, always run cold water before, during, and after operation. As we mentioned in our garbage disposal tips above, avoid putting fats, oils, or grease directly in your garbage disposal, but that doesn’t mean some will sneak in on food being disposed of.
Most people would assume that using warm or hot water is preferred for garbage disposal maintenance, but this can cause oils or fats to liquefy and cling to the blades, chamber, and pipes leading away from your garbage disposal. This can cause clogs and damage over time. On the other hand, cold water solidifies any fats, making it easier for the blades to grind up the matter so it can be more easily washed away. Run cold water for about 15 seconds before and after grinding food waste. This helps ensure all particles are thoroughly flushed out of the disposal and down the drain.
If you’re wondering how to keep your garbage disposal clean, it’s easy—most of the supplies are probably already in your kitchen! A simple cleaning routine every two weeks can prevent buildup and maintain a fresh-smelling kitchen.
Here’s a quick step-by-step cleaning method:
Bonus Tip:
Keep some citrus peels soaking in vinegar in a pitcher under your sink. Not only does this give you a great all-around cleaning product that smells less vinegary due to the citrus oils infusing the vinegar, but the softened peels make great organic scrubbers and leave a pleasant scent.
Water and metal create rust, even if you don’t see it. Rust weakens the metal, making blades brittle and possibly causing metal and rust flakes to break loose, damaging the motor and leaving you with a huge mess. Here are some tips on how to keep your garbage disposal from rusting:
By taking these steps, you can avoid the hassle a rusty garbage disposal can cause and keep it working at its best.
The garbage disposal can be an unsung hero of your kitchen, and following these garbage disposal maintenance steps can extend the life of your disposal for many years to come. Simple garbage disposal tips, such as running the disposal regularly with cold water, avoiding inappropriate items, and cleaning it every two weeks, will help you avoid the headache of a rusted garbage disposal and keep your kitchen running smoothly.
If you’re experiencing issues with your garbage disposal, contact the trusted team at
Blue Mills Plumbing. We can diagnose your problem. We’re here to help with all your garbage disposal needs, from repairs to installation, general garbage disposal maintenance, and more. Share your own garbage disposal maintenance suggestions in the comments, or reach out to us for personalized service!
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