In the world of home repair, working with your gas line is best left to professionals. It is important to understand the dangers of a gas leak and be able to recognize the signs of one inside your home before it is too late. If you are wondering how to fix a gas line or are in need of a gas line repair, contact Blue Mills Plumbing for assistance.
There are three main signs of a gas leak in your home: smell, appearance and sound.
If you suspect a gas line leak in your home, the first sign of a leak is
the smell. Natural gas lines have sulfur added to them for this specific
purpose. If you smell a rotten eggs odor, you know it is time to call for a plumber gas line
Another way to check for a gas leak, if you suspect one in your home, is to inspect the area around your gas line. If your gas line runs near a window, you can expect to find extra condensation on the windows from the escaping gas. If there is any vegetation near your gas line, it will look like it is dying or already dead in the event of a gas leak.
The final main way to check for a gas leak in your home is to listen.
Your gas lines will emit a hissing noise or you may hear clanging and banging
coming from your gas line.
There are a few other signs that you may have a gas leak in your house. If you start to feel unexplained fatigue, light-headed or nauseous, there is a chance your gas line could be leaking. An unexplained increased in your gas utility bill is a sign that there could be a gas leak in your home that went unnoticed. If you suspect a gas leak, it is best to take caution, turn off the gas line at the meter, and call a professional company to come out and inspect your gas line immediately.
If you do suspect a gas line leak in your home, there are some common gas line repair mistakes it is important to be aware of, so you don’t create a larger issue. The critical mistakes to take note of are striking a match, avoiding repair, and not finding a cause for the gas leak.
Just because you have one company come out to inspect your gas lines, doesn’t mean the job always gets done. Trust your instincts! If you are still noticing signs of a gas leak, it is possible the first company didn’t find a cause for the leak. This happens from time to time, so if you do suspect there is still a gas leak, call a plumber for natural gas leaks, like Val Gross Blue Mills Plumbing. Letting the signs of a gas leak continue without treatment can lead to potential disaster down the road.
If you suspect a gas leak in your home, under no circumstance should you ever light a match! Natural gas is highly flammable and lighting a match in a home with a suspected gas leak is a major cause of house fires. Lighting a match also includes lighting and smoking cigarettes and cigars, using candles or flashlights, and using any power switches in your home including light switches and garage door openers. To maintain extra precaution, it is best to step outside to make a phone call as well, since our phones can generate static electricity. All of these things can create a spark that can ignite the gas, generating a house fire as opposed to a (usually) mendable gas leak. If you suspect a gas leak and the odor is very strong, open the windows in your home and exit the premise before calling a plumber for gas line repair.
While this may seem obvious, it is important to note that if you suspect a gas leak, hear creaking coming from your gas line, smell a rotten egg in your home, or notice an unexplained spike in your gas utility bill, do not assume the problem will go away on its own. Avoiding repair, or attempting repair on your own without the help of a professional, will only lead to a larger gas leak and potentially serious damage to your property and household members. Search for a gas line plumber near me, or simply call the professionals at Val Gross Blue Mills Plumbing to come out and inspect your gas line right away.
Gas line repair is not something that the average homeowner should attempt on his or her own. Not only does it require a specific base of knowledge, mistakes can cause large amounts of damage to your property and members of your household. This is why recognizing the signs of a potential gas leak is critical information for all homeowners, so they know when to call a gas line repair company.
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